This is the full index of the EuroLetter. We have collected the most important issues from the 105 news letters that have been written since LBL in 1991 overtook the task of informing first the ILGA working parties about EU and COE/OSCE and later to produce a public newsletter to the gay/lesbian community on European juridical, legal and political issues relevant for gay men and lesbians.

The first ten letters are only dealing with COE and CSCE. Number 1 from January 91, number 2 February 1991 and number 3 May 1991 and so on up to 10. All these are in the index named L and the number.

One EC-letter was sent out in 1992. It is named EC in the index.

The remaining EuroLetters are named with the number in the index.

You can find EuroLetters from number 30 onwards here in  pdf-format and here in html-format .


Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights
--Background material    70
--Call for action                                    70
----Draft letter 70
--Danish contact with rapporteur (Mr. Espersen) on the item 12
--Decisions from European Conference '90  L1
--Draft protocol broadening the anti-discrimination provisions published by
  the Committee of Ministers  73
--Historic vote at CoE proposes measure to counter homophobia 76
--Historic vote in favour of lesbian & gay rights at CoE 83
--Hosi Wien in contact with Austrian members  L10
--Letter from
----Amnesty International   9
--Letters to
----Amnesty International   6
----British members of the Parliamentarian Assembly   L3
----International Commission of Jurists   6
----International Federation on Human Rights  6
----The Legal Committee  9
--List of material sent to the rapporteur Mr. Espersen   L5
--Lobbying campaign for the end June debates in the Parliamentary Assembly
  on lesbian & gay issues 80
--Minutes from World Conference '92  7
--Mr. Espersen appointed rapporteur to the Legal Committee  L4
----Mr. Espersen contacted by several organisations  11
----Mr. Espersen is provided with information  13
--Motion for a recommendation  L2
--Procedure for adopting the protocol  L2
--Proposed additional protocol broadening article 14 of the European Convention
  on Human Right: The need for express inclusion of "sexual orientation"  70
--Re-introduction at the European Conference '95  38
--Re-introduction at the European Conference '93  22
--Report from COC on talks with the Dutch Foreign Ministry  18
--Resolution by NGOs to the Council of Europe  L2
--Resolution (enclosed) forwarded the Parliamentary Assembly   8
--Resolution from Youth Forum of the European Community L3
----International Federation of Liberal and Radical Youth  L3
--Sexual orientation discrimination endemic in Europe concludes report to CoE  78
(see also Children)
(see also Joint custody of children)
----Adoption rights to gay & lesbian couples 70
----Adoption of stepchildren in gay & lesbian families 80
----Approves gay marriage rights 82
------Dutch gay marriage 88
------Dutch marriage law 86
------English translation of the law 83
------Latest news about same-sex marriage 85
------Lesbian partners get full responsibility for children 93
------Partnership in the Netherlands 87
------Website on adoption 92
----Bill allowing same sex adoption   72,71
----Cabinet oks gay adoption        65
----Court allows adoption for unmarried people   33
----Dutch may allow adoption by Gays   55
----Government committed to opening up adoption to same-sex couples 62
----Government in favour of adoption by same-sex marriage  57
----Law reform in progress  67
----Lesbian adoption rejected  53
----Parliament in favour of same-sex adoption  42
----Parliament repeats call for adoption - but no legislation  59
----Resolution on adoption  41
----Resolution on adoption by same-sex couples  42
----Resolution on adoption of foreign children  42
----Adoption rights for gay couples on the horizon  53
----Parliamentary committee on children of lesbians & gays  68
----Sweden may legalize adoption by homosexual couples 86
----UK to accept adoption by gay couples  79

Age of Consent
(see also Country-by-Country survey)
(see the Country)
--Age of consent in European countries  60
--European Commission on Human Rights finds violation  54
--European Union
---- European wide criminalization of juvenile sexuality up to 18 91

--Council of Europe
----CoE letter to EUROCASO  L5
----Model aids legislation  7,6
------Task: finding out the status of model aids legislation  L1
--European Union
----EU proposal for health funding  39
----EU proposal on HIV and aids  31
------Aids proposal in the EU  30
----Europe against aids programme  EC,L10
----New HIV prevention initiative for gay men  51
----Report on HIV/aids and the gay community published  43
----Aids control legislation
------Iron curtain closes against HIV-positives  38
------New aids law passes  32
------Russia will test foreigners for HIV  33
--United Kingdom
----British Airways will not hire HIV-positives  52

(see also Country-by-Country survey)
--Amnesty International protest letter  29
--COE membership
----ILGA lobbying letter  26
----ILGA lobbying letter to Albania   27
------Useful addresses   27
----Rapporteurs to the CoE  22
----Swedish government promise to be aware of human rights  30
--Gay Albania Society (gay group)  29,25
--Legal situation of gays and lesbians in Albania   26
----Actions to be taken  26
----Gay Albania Society  26
----Penal code  26
----Penal code reform  26
--Official recognition of gay group  34
--Penal code  29,23
--Penal code legalize homosexuality  31
--Police harassment, ILGA press release  29

Alecos Modinos Case
(see Test cases, Cyprus)

Amnesty International
--Amnesty International working against laws punishing sexual relations
  between men in the Commonwealth of Independent States  54
--Amnesty: UK should repeal anti-gay laws  61

Amsterdam Treaty
(see European Union)

Anti-Discrimination law
(see also Country-by-Country survey)
--Belgium: Anti-discrimination law tabled in parliament  42
----Historic vote in favour of lesbian & gay rights 83
--European Union
----Anti-discrimination clause in the new proposal for EU Treaty  51
----New EU directives on anti-discrimination promised  66
--Finland pass an anti-discrimination law  36
--Iceland pass an anti-discrimination law  47
----Anti-discrimination legislation comes into force 84
--Latvia discussion on an anti-discrimination law  41
--Luxembourg law lists "sexual orientation"  53
--Netherlands pass an anti-discrimination law  30,4
--Polish constitution without anti-discrimination for gays and lesbians  51
--Portugal discuss anti-discrimination clause in the constitution  41
--Slovenia penal code prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation  42
--Spain penal code recognize the right of sexual orientation  37

The Antilles
(See The Netherlands)

Armed forces
(see Military)

(see also Country-by-Country survey)
--Armenia to join Council of Europe   60
----CoE pressure brings progress for lesbian, gay & bisexual rights in Europe 81
------The accession of Armenia to the CoE 81
----ILGA lobbying letter  60

Asylum Seekers
(see also Refugee)
--Council of Europe
----Debate on asylum & immigration rights for bi-national same-sex couples 81
----Lobbying campaign for the end June debates in the Parliamentary Assembly
    on lesbian & gay issues 80
--European Union
----Letter to and from the Commission  21
--Fact sheet produced  17
--Germany: Court grants Romanian gay asylum  22
--ILGA information paper on gay/lesbian asylum seekers  16
--Ireland: Sexual orientation as a ground for asylum  37
--Latvia: Asylum made possible for persecuted homosexuals  62
--Norway: Asylum for lesbians & gay men  54
----Denies asylum to Iranian and Algerian gay men  33
----Protest letter to be written  33
----Welcomes abused foreign gays  47
--UK to welcome gay asylum seekers  69

(see also Country-by-Country survey)
--11 men jailed under anti-gay statute  69
--Action appeal  42
----Response from Austrian Embassy in Sweden  43
--Administrative Court opens marriage for transsexuals   58
--Age of consent law unchanged  46
--Anti-discrimination law enforced  59
--Appeals court legalizes gay pornography 85
--Austria celebrates Year of Human Rights while persecuting gay men  57
--Ban on associations repealed  46
--Ban on information repealed  46
--Complaint against discriminatory age of consent filed with UN-committee for the
  Convention on the Rights of the child  61
--Criminal persecution of gay men at new peak   73
--Government propose two pro-gay candidates for the new Court of Human Rights  55
----Supreme Court makes gay and lesbians homeless  50
----Vienna City government is progressive  50
--Law reform postponed  40,39
--Parliament fails to reform age of consent law  62
--Persecution on gay men  40
----Two cases put to Strasbourg  57
------Update  65
--Pride Parade in Vienna  39
--The situation of ethnic & social minorities  62
--Test case
----Age of consent cases declared admissible by European Court of Human Rights 94
----Test case rejected by Human Rights Commission  36
----Two cases put to Strasbourg  57
------Update  65
--UN-committee on the rights of the child suggest to extend discrimination of gay
  adolescents to lesbian adolescents  68
----Protest letter  68
--UN-high commissioner for human rights, Mary Robinson, in Vienna.
  Patron of minorities  62
----Oral presentation to Mrs. Robinson  62
--UN Human Rights Committee requests Austria to repeal article 209  66
--Update  57
--CoE pressure brings progress for lesbian, gay & bisexual rights in Europe 81
----The accession of Azerbaijan to the CoE 81
--Parliament lifts ban on sex between men 81

Baltic Countries
(see also the Specific Country)
(see also Country-by-Country survey)
--Europride hearing in Copenhagen  43

Ban on gay sex worldwide  46
(see also Country-by-Country survey)

(see also Country-by-Country survey)
--CoE membership
----Information wanted  23
----Names of rapporteurs  22
----Ban on homosexuality has been lifted  43
----Decriminalisation confirmed  65
----Decriminalisation is still not confirmed  57
----Information wanted  23

(see also Country-by-Country survey)
--Anti discrimination law proposed in the parliament  42
--Custody  69
--Gay marriage
----Belgian response to partnership proposal   (Newspaper article)  43
----Bill to reduce inheritance tax for registered partners  51
----Circular on same-sex partnership  58
----Council of State bases objection to same-sex marriage on a report from 1803 94
----Foreign same-sex partners can obtain permit to live in Belgium  54
----Guidelines from the Ministry of Internal Affairs about domestic partnership  57
----Partner law unpopular 80
----Partnership bill progress (newspaper article)  43
----Partnership recognized in Belgian cities  37,36
----Permit to live in Belgium  54
----Present situation of partnership regulations  66
----Same-sex marriage bill 90
-----FWH press release 90
----Statutory cohabitation contract in Belgium  75
----Test case  69
--Government campaign  69
----Circular on same-sex partnership & immigration  58
----Foreign same-sex partners can obtain permit to live in Belgium  54
----Guidelines from the Ministry of Internal Affairs about domestic partnership  57
--New Government coalition promises legal breakthrough   73
--“After Amsterdam: Sexual Orientation and the EU”  74
--Book on legal status of sexual minorities in Russia 93
--"Equality for Lesbians & Gay Men - a relevant Issue in the Civil & Social Dialogue"   62,61
----Spanish version  63
--"HIV prevention strategies and the Gay Community:
  Phase one report - a baseline study" 43
--"Homosexuality - a Community Issue"
  (see "Homosexuality - a Community Issue")
--“Legal recognition of same-sex partnerships: a study of national,
  European & international law 92
--"Lesbian Visibility"
  (see "Lesbian Visibility")
--"Public Scandals: Gays and lesbians face state-condoned
  violence and legalized abuse in Romania"  57
--"Sexual Orientation and Human Rights"  48
--"Sexuality, Youth Protection & Human Rights"  57

(see also Country-by-Country survey)
--Decriminalised homosexuality in 1998   71

(see also Country-by-Country survey)
--Anti-gay police action  43
--EU steps up pressure on Bulgaria, Cyprus, Hungary, & Romania to repeal laws
  which discriminate against lesbians, gays & bisexuals 91
--Penal code & homosexuality  56
--Research on “Bulgarian & International legislation about homosexuals” 94

--Partner bill passes House of Commons 79

Cases to the European Court of Human Rights
(see Test Cases)

Cases to the European Court of Justice
(see Test Cases)

(see also Spain)
--Catalonia has granted domestic partnership rights  61

Cayman Islands
(see United Kingdom)

(see also Country-by-Country survey)
--Death penalty for homosexuals?   45

(see also Adoption)
(see also European Convention on the Rights of the Child)
(see also Family)
----Belgian case  69
------Test Case on gay parenting accepted by the European Court of Human Right  72
--------Judgment 76
----Danish Parliament bans assisted insemination for lesbians  51
----Denmark nixes lesbian insemination  61
--Joint guardianship
----Iceland partnership law includes joint custody  42,41
------Bill proposal on parental authority  42
------Lesbian partners get full responsibility for children 93
----Sweden: Parliamentary committee on children of lesbians & gays  68
--“Rainbow families” – release of a brochure concerning same-sex parents 94

----Archbishop blasts Euro court on gay sex  59
----Gay/lesbian church wedding?  50
----Ceremony for gay couples brings church denunciation  41
----Italian gays outraged by church advice to voters  41
----Dutch church embraces gays  33
----Catholic church seeks influence on new constitution  35
Citizens Charter
--European Parliament ask the Commission to protect human rights  4,2

Civil Liberties & Equal Treatment of L/G in the EC
(See Roth Report)

Civil Union
(see Gay Marriage)

Code of Practice on Measures to Combat Sexual Harassment
--Press Release from "Stonewall"  EC
--Recommendation issued by the Commission (enclosed)  1
----Correction  2

Committee of the Regions, Miniguide to  26

Commonwealth of Independent States
(see also Country-by-Country Survey)
--Amnesty International working against laws punishing sexual relations between
  men in the Commonwealth of Independent States  54
--Update on the legal situation concerning homosexuality
  in the successor republics to the former Soviet Union       55

Council of Europe (CoE)
(see also Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights)
--Asylum seekers
----Debate on asylum & immigration rights for bi-national same-sex couples 81
----Lobbying campaign for the end June debates in the Parliamentary Assembly
    on lesbian & gay issues 80
--Background Information on the COE  78,71
--CoE pressure brings progress for lesbian, gay & bisexual rights in Europe 81
----Debate on the situation of lesbians and gays in Europe 81
--Commemorative Ceremony for the 50th anniversary of
  the European Convention on Human Rights 85
----Speeches 85
--Election of new Secretary General   71
--Exclusion, equality before the law (Seminar-invitation)  27
--Historic statement regrets continuing discrimination against lesbians & gay 92
--Historic vote in favour of lesbian & gay rights 83
----Recommendation 1474 from the Parliamentary Assembly to the
    Committee of Ministers  83
--Historic vote proposes measure to counter homophobia  77
----Application for NGO status with CoE '95  32
------Amnesty International, lobbying letter to  6
------Application to be sent August '93  18
------Application to be sent June '93  13,12
------Decision to apply for NGO status December '94  30
------Decision to postpone the application November '94  29
------ILGA granted consultative status  57
------International Commission of Jurists, lobbying letter  6
------Int. Federation on Human Rights, lobbying letter to  6
------NGO status to ILGA in 3 month  55
--------Paedophile group expelled from ILGA  26
--------Question and answer to ILGA from the CoE  43
------Resolution on relations between CoE and NGOs  '94  22
--------Modalities of co-operation  22
--------Procedure for the granting of consultative status  22
--------Rules for consultative status  22
--------Withdrawal of consultative status  22
------Status December '95  38
----Application for NGO status with CoE '89  7
------Answer (rejection)   7
------Reminder April '90  7
--------Answer June '90  7
--ILGA letter to the Commission against racism & intolerance  32
----Debate on asylum & immigration rights for bi-national same-sex couples 81
----Lobbying campaign for the end June debates in the Parliamentary Assembly
    on lesbian & gay issues 80
--Lobbying campaign for the end June debates in the Parliamentary Assembly
  on lesbian & gay issues 80
--Member states  21,11,L2
--Membership application in general
  (see also the Specific Country)
----CoE pressure brings progress for lesbian, gay & bisexual rights in Europe 81
----Halonen Resolution on new members of the CoE  21
------Report on the follow up February '95   31
----Lobbying efforts February '93  13
----Lobbying letter to the Department of Legal Affairs '92   1
----Lobbying letter to the Directorate of Human Rights  '92   1
----Lobbying letter to Peter Leubrecht November '91  L10
------Draft letter  L6
--------Draft letter response  L8
----Minutes July '92   7
----Monitoring laws of the applicants January '93  12
----Procedure of lobbying the Parliamentarian Assembly  17,5
----Relations between CoE and the countries of Eastern and Central Europe  11
----Strategy towards CoE  L5,L4,L1
----Venice Commission  31
----Written declaration in the Parliamentarian Assembly  14
--Protection of minorities, newspaper article February '92  5
--Recommendation 1474 from the Parliamentary Assembly
  to the Committee of Ministers 83
--“Sexual preference” in resolution from Committee of Ministers 92
----ILGA background and lobbying efforts  30
----Will human right by ignored in election for Europe's top human rights job?  65
--Working party, task & members  31,18,7

Country-by-Country survey
(see also the Specific Country)
--Ban on gay sex worldwide   46
--Comparative survey of the legal situation for homosexuals in Europe
  (Ban on sexuality, age of consent, special provisions,
  anti-discrimination clauses, partnership laws)  46,43,42
----Comparative survey of the legal and societal situation of homosexuals
    in Europe (text)  35,32,31
----Comparison of the legal situation for homosexuals in Europe (text)  18,16,13
------Survey of the situation for gays and lesbians in Eastern Europe  L6
------Gay men and lesbians in Central and Eastern Europe: A Survey  L5
----Positive developments at a national level in Europe  44
--Eastern Europe  43
----Survey of the situation for gays and lesbians in Eastern Europe  L6
----Gay men and lesbians in Central and Eastern Europe: A Survey  L5

--"Equality for Lesbians & Gay Men - a relevant Issue in the Civil & Social Dialogue"   61
--Nationwide legal protection from discrimination based on sexual orientation  45
--Update on the legal situation concerning homosexuality
  in the successor republics to the former Soviet Union  55
--World survey on Internet  69

(see also Country-by-Country survey)
--Law reform in Croatia 82
--New penal code 84

(see also OSCE)
--Background-paper February '92  1
----Short history of ILGA's CSCE lobbying July '94  26
----Moscow September '91
------Agenda  L5
--------Minutes  L7,L6
------Delegates approached during the meeting  3
------Final document  L9
------Letter from British government  1
------Lobby strategy  L4
------Lobbying letter to foreign ministers  L5
------Parallel activities
--------Programme  L6,L5,L4,L3
--------Resolution  L8
------Report on lobbying activities  L8
--------Canada   L10
--------Sweden  L10
----Oslo November '92
------Parallel activities  L8
------Report of Seminar of Experts on Democratic Institutions  1
----Helsinki March -June '92
------Delegations approached
--------Letters and minutes  7,6,5,4,2,1,L10
----------Lobbying letter to delegations  5,4,1
----------Lobbying letter to foreign ministers  1
------Final document  8,7
--------Amnesty Internationals comments  7
------Human dimension  8
--------"Shaping the human dimension"  7
------Minorities’ ombudsman established  8
------Parallel activities
--------"Helsinki appeal"  4
--------Participants from the working party  2
--------Report  6,5
------Statement from Thorvald Stoltenberg (Norway)   3
----Warsaw November '92 (Tolerance)
------Delegates approached
--------Letters and minutes  9
------Official conference   9,8,7
--------Agenda   9
--------ILGA participants  11,10
--------ILGA report  12,11
--------ILGA statement  11
--------Statement from the City of Amsterdam  11
----Stockholm December '92  (CSCE foreign ministers)  11
----Warsaw April '93 (Migration and refugees)
------Approached delegates  16,15,14
------Dates  13,11
----Warsaw May '93  (National and ethnic minorities)
------Approached delegates  15
------Programme  16,14,11
----Warsaw Sep-Oct '93 (Implementation)
------Agenda  18
------Approached delegates  15
------ILGA press release  21
------ILGA statement
--------Final statement  21
--------Written presentation  19
------Report  22,21
--------Work group 1 on homosexuality  21
--------Denmark  20
--------Netherlands  20
--------Norway  20
----Warsaw November '93 (Free media)
------Agenda  20,15,11
------ILGA statements  21
----Vienna July '94
------ILGA statement  26
----Budapest Oct-Dec '94  (Review conference)
------Agenda  27
------Approached delegates  30,27,26,15
------ILGA participating  28,11,8
------ILGA statement   30,28
--------Draft   27
--------Who writes it?  8
--------Working group 3  30
------Report  30
--------Netherlands and Norway  30
--Events diagram   5
--Lobbying paper  26
--Minorities’ ombudsman established  8
----NGO access and CSCE openness  8
----NGOs and the human dimension of the CSCE  21,16
----Paper on potential NGO contribution to and status with the CSCE  6
----Toward defining NGO access  7
--Structure and Institutions (se also OSCE Fact sheet)  29
----Developed institutions and structures  8
--Working party
----Task & members  31,18,12,7

(See also Country-By-Country survey)
--Age of consent
----Cyprus changing the age of consent 92
------Comment from Alexander Modinos 92
--Archbishop blasts Euro court on gay sex  59
--Ban is repealed (according to French news agency)  31
----Ban is not repealed   50
--Committee sends gay rights back to parties  50
--Cyprus in trouble as gay rights deadline approaches  50
--Cyprus must lift ban on gay sex  55
--EU steps up pressure on Bulgaria, Cyprus, Hungary, & Romania to repeal laws
  which discriminate against lesbians, gays & bisexuals 91
--Government pleads with deputies to decriminalise homosexuality  55
--Law "reform"  60
----Amnesty International public statement on Cyprus  60
----Amnesty concern at new gay law  60
----Changes to gay sex law are absurd  60
----Cyprus should lift gay ban  60
--Law reform according to Cypriot delegate to the CSCE  30
--Modinos Case in the European Court of Human Rights
----Case won  16
----European Commission of Human Rights, Report  4
----ILGA intervention rejected  7
--Parliament delays gay debate till after Easter  59
--Repeal of discriminatory laws (ILGA press release) 81
--The story of the change of law 81
--Test case
----Case won  16
------European Commission of Human Rights, Report  4
------ILGA intervention rejected  7

Czech Republic
(See also Country-By-Country survey)
--Gay marriage
----Couples law gains steam 87
----Czech officials support gay partnership   35
----Czech partnership proposal falters   38
----Government oks partner bill  69
----No marriages for gays & lesbians  60
----No to registered partnership 76
----Plans partner law 80

Declaration of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms   EC

(see also Country-by-Country survey)
--Adoption Right to gay & lesbian couples  70
--Gay marriage
----Adoption right to gay & lesbian couples  70
----Change of law on registered partnership  64
----Church wedding?  50
----Partnership law changed  70
----Scandinavian mutual recognition on registered partnership  35
--Labour market
----Anti-discrimination law for the private labour market  42
------Bill introduced  39,38
----Gay man got compensated for illegal sacking  70
--Lesbian insemination
----Denmark nixes lesbian insemination  61
----Parliament bans assisted insemination for lesbians  51
--NGO to the Danish UN Human Rights Commission  39

East Bloc Conference
--ILGA East Bloc Conference a disaster  35

Eastern Europe
(see also the Specific Country)
(see also Country-by-Country survey)
--Europride Hearing in Copenhagen 96  43

ECAS  (European Citizen Action Scheme)
----European citizenship  44
----The European ombudsman  24
----Newsflash January '93  13
----Towards a Europe of equal opportunities
------Discrimination on the ground of sexual orientation  28
----Discrimination (September '93)
------Conclusions  19
------Programme  18,17,15,12
----The Internal market and the consumer  35
(See also European Union: Staff)
--Egalite prize for Claudia Roth  32
--HIV testing of personnel in EU  29
--Staff group established   17
--Staff regulation proposals  17

--ILGA-Europe calls upon EU to insist on the respect of human rights 94

--Danish anti-discrimination law for the private labour market  42
----Bill introduced  39,38
----Gay man got compensated for illegal sacking  70
----Employment directive 83
------ILGA-Europe welcomes directive 83
----Sexual & gender minorities at work 93
--ILGA EC-goals for this century (Minutes from Sitges Conf.)  10
--Irish government publishes employment equality bill  43
----Law introduced  50
----New extended employment equality act comes into force   75
----European Commission praises new labour law but points out deficiency
    in anti-discrimination provision 93
--Slovenia bans workplace discrimination  66
--Swedish legislation against discrimination at the labour market  68
--UK: 1 in 2 are harassed at work  21

Equal programme 80

"Equality for Lesbians & Gay Men - a relevant Issue in the Civil & Social Dialogue"  62,61
--Spanish version  63

(See also Country-by-Country survey)
--Council of Europe accepts Estonia as a member  16
--Estonia repeals discriminatory age of consent for same-sex activity 89
--Europride hearing in Copenhagen  43

Ethnic minorities
--Lesbians/Gays in the ethnic minorities (ILGA resolution)    30

European citizenship
--ECAS proposals for EU Intergovernmental Conference '96  44
--Europride '97 - political statement  49

European Commission on Human Rights
(see also Test Cases)
--Organisation, procedure and activities  13

European Conference on Family Research  51

European Convention on Equality between Men & Women
--Task of the working party  12
----Task dropped  26
----Who will monitor ?  21,18

European Convention on Human Rights
(See Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights)
--New interpretation of "sex" ?  39

European Convention on the Rights of the Child
--CoE preparing a new convention
----ILGA letter to CoE on the draft  18
------Answer  18
--Family law
----Survey of international instruments of the CoE  20
------Correction  21
--Task of the working party   12
----Task dropped   26

European Court on Human Rights
(see Test Cases)
--Austria proposed two pro-gay candidates for the new Court on Human Rights  55
--More efficient Court of Human Rights  53

European Court of Justice
(see Test Cases)

European Ombudsman  24

European Union
(see also PHARE)
----Access programme ready 85
--Action programme to combat discrimination
----Council decision on programme to combat discrimination 85
------Action programme committee set up 86
------After Nice: progress for gays & lesbians in the EU 86
------Commission website on the action programme 91
--Age of consent
----European wide criminalization of juvenile sexuality up to 18 91
  (see AIDS)
--Amsterdam Treaty
----Article 13
    (see also Charter of Fundamental Rights)
------After Nice: progress for gays & lesbians in the EU 86
------Anti discrimination clause in the new proposal for EU Treaty  51
------Austria in favour of EU Treaty with human rights  46
------Backlash in EU Treaty negotiations   46
--------ILGA press release  46
------Citizens agenda 2000 NGO-Forum  76
------Commission proposes prohibition of sexual orientation discrimination  66
------Council decision on programme to combat discrimination 85
--------Action programme committee set up 86
--------After Nice: progress for gays & lesbians in the EU 86
--------Commission website on the action programme 91
------Dutch EU presidency has abolish non-discrimination on sexual orientation  48
------Dutch government rules out European equality for lesbians & gays  49
--------Employment directive 83
----------ILGA-Europe welcomes directive 83
------Human rights agenda for the year 2000   62
--------EU launches agenda   65
------Ideas on how to follow up wanted by ILGA   59
------ILGA demanding lesbian and gay rights in the EU  45
------Informal meeting of high-level officials to discuss article 13 of the treaty  58
------Italy & Austria call for sweeping EU rights clause  45
------"Presidency conclusions" of the Madrid European Council Meeting, December '95  38
------Programme to combat discrimination 85
--------Project financing opportunity for West European organisations 88
------Sexual orientation a non-discrimination area in EU?  34
------Update April '97  49
--------Further update April '97   49
----Follow-up on the Amsterdam Treaty   60
----ILGA launches guide on Amsterdam Treaty  74
----Intergovernmental Conference  39
--------Right to seek asylum  49
------EU non-discrimination clause
--------Europe lobbying letter   50
--------General politics towards the EU  36
--------IGC statement   39,38
----------List of signatories   44
--------ILGA demanding lesbian and gay rights in the EU   45
--------ILGA's general policy toward the EU  36
--------ILGA's lobbying towards the EU   36
----------Erratum   37
--------Letter to the Irish government  43
------"Presidency conclusions" of the Madrid European Council Meeting, December '95  38
------Secret IGC documents published on the Internet  48
----Seminar launching ILGAs guide to the Amsterdam Treaty  74
--Anti-discrimination proposal package adopted  by the Commission  75
----Anti discrimination clause in the new proposal for EU Treaty  51
----Anti-discrimination EU directives promised  66
----Commission proposes prohibition of sexual orientation discrimination   66
----ILGA press release   75
----Social Affairs Council supports the “package”  78
--Bill of Rights
(see Charter of fundamental rights)
--Budget and funding possibilities  44,36
----EU funded g/l projects  59
--Charter of Fundamental Rights
----After Nice: progress for gays & lesbians in the EU 86
----EU charter on human rights?  74
------Presidium issued their proposal 80
----Hearing in the European Parliament’s Committee on
    Citizens Freedoms & Rights, Justice & Homes affair  76
------ILGA Statement  76
----ILGA Europe and the Plans for an EU Bill of Rights  71
----ILGA Europe comments to draft    79
----ILGA Europe continues lobbying the EU  76
----Meeting with Finnish EU presidency  76
--Civil liberties & equal treatment of l/g in the EC
  (See Roth Report)
--Code of practice on measures to combat sexual harassment
  (see Code of practice...)
--Committee of the Regions   26
--Court Case
----EU Court decision in same-sex partnership case  67
------Advocate-General rejects recognition of Swedish registered partnership 87
--------ILGA Europe press release 87
--------On the judgement of the European Court of Justice 89
------Danish Government backs employee in EU Court case  72
------ILGA-Europe regrets  67
------Swedish Government backs EU court case  69
----ILGA-Europe calls upon EU to insist on the respect of human rights 94
----Employment directive 83
------ILGA-Europe welcomes directive 83
--Enlargement 91
----EU steps up pressure on Bulgaria, Cyprus, Hungary, & Romania to repeal laws
    which discriminate against lesbians, gays & bisexuals 91
----Framework directive
------Guide for lbgt organisations in the EU member states  and the accession countries 92
----Public hearing on lesbian & gay rights in the EU accession countries arranged 88
------Hearing taking place 90
------Statement for press conference 90
--Equal programme 80
--European Initiative for democracy & human rights
----Call for proposals 86
--European Parliament
----European ombudsman  24
----European Parliament adopts 2 resolutions
    with support for lesbian, gay & bisexual rights 90
----European Parliament adopts resolution on human rights   58
----European Parliament adopts urgency resolution on equal rights for g/l in the EU   63
----European Parliament calls again for respect for Human Rights for
    lesbians and gay men  78
------Full text  78
----European Parliament for gay and lesbian rights  48
----European Parliament reaffirms gay & lesbian rights as human rights   66
----European Parliament repeats its commitment to lesbian & gay rights   45
----Family reunification directive
------ILGA Europe position paper 89
----Forum for Lesbian and Gay Rights  (Intergroup)   29
----ILGA-Europe statement in the inter-parliamentary conference "Freedom, security,
    justice: an agenda for Europe" on March 24, 1999  69
----Intergroup on Gay & Lesbian Issues
------ILGA cooperation with the Intergroup  56
------Intergroup established  55
--------ILGA participate   56
------Presentation of ILGA-Europe   56
------Public hearing on lesbian & gay rights in the EU accession countries arranged 88
--------Hearing taking place 90
--------Statement for press conference 90
----MEPs withhold equal treatment for gays and lesbians   47
----Questions in the European Parliament  43
------Question on Dutch gay marriage  41
------Question on protection of homosexuals in Romania 88
----Resolution on equal rights for g/l in the EU  63
----Resolution on respect for human rights in the EU (1997)   66
----Sexual orientations a non-discrimination area in EU?  34
  (See Europol)
  (See Family)
--Framework directive
----Guide for lbgt organisations in the EU member states  and the accession countries 92
--"Homosexuality - a European Community Issue"
  (See Homosexuality - a European Community Issue")
--Human rights agenda for the year 2000  62
----EU launches agenda  65
--Human Rights discussion Forum
----ILGA participation   76
----Family reunification directive
------ILGA Europe position paper 89
----EU Bureau
    (See European Union : Working Party)
----ILGA Action plan  49
------2. Series of meetings  56
------3. Series of meetings  58
----ILGA-Europe continues lobbying the EU  76
----ILGA-Europe lobbying letter  50
----ILGA-Europe meets European Union
------1. Meeting  51
------2. Series of meetings  56
------3. Series of meetings  58
------ILGA launches EU report  62,61
--Lesbian Visibility
  (See Lesbian Visibility)
--Meeting with ILGA
----Top-Level EU official meets with ILGA   42
--Model briefing letter  1,EC
--Nice Treaty
----After Nice – Progress for gays and lesbians in the EU 86
--"PHARE programme"
  (See PHARE Programme)
--Resolution on equal rights for g/l in the EC  63
--Roth Report
  (See Roth Report)
--Sitges seminar
  (See Sitges Conference)
--Social exclusion  19
--Social policy  19
  (See also Egalite)
----Benefits to gay and lesbian spouses in EU   35
------EU not yet to recognize partnership  34
----EU Commission on the Lindholm Report  52
----EU Commission recognises partnership  71
----European Parliament Committee puts of equal treatment
    of EU institutions' female and gay staff... ?  47
----European Parliament for gay and lesbians right  48
----EU Court decision in same-sex partnership case   67
------Advocate-General rejects recognition of Swedish registered partnership 87
--------ILGA Europe press release 87
--------On the judgement of the European Court of Justice 89
------Danish Government backs employee in EU Court case  72
------ILGA-Europe regrets   67
------Swedish Government backs EU Court case   69
----HIV testing of personnel in EU   29
----Improvement for EU staff  44
----MEPs withhold equal treatment for gays and lesbians   47
----No equal rights for gay EU officials and their partners   61
----Non discrimination policy inside the EU institutions   22
----Petition for an amendment to the EU staff regulations   32
------ILGA proposal  17,16
----How the EC works  20
----Maastricht Maze, chart of co-decision procedure   20
--Website   45
--Working party
----Task & members   38,31,30
------EU Bureau
--------The Bureau is suspended  26
--------Members   17,16
--------Minutes   25,16
--------Report   18
--------Task  12
------ILGA's general policy toward the EU  36

--Europol does not register gays and lesbians   39
--Europol to hold data on race, sexuality and politics   39
--Europol wants to register sexual habits   38
--Other reactions to the Europol proposal   39

--Amsterdam '94, proposal on Seminar on Family Forms   25
--Copenhagen '96 Hearing
----Baltic Country   43
----Eastern Europe in general   43
--Paris '97
----Political statement   49
----Socialist meeting  45

--Berlin '96  40
--Paris '97   40

Faeroe Islands
--Legislation   9

(see also Adoption)
(see also Children)
(See also Gay Marriage)
--Council of Europe
----Achievement in the field of law, no.1 family law  20
----Family law, certain international instruments of
    the CoE dealing specifically with family law  20
--Definition of the family
----Denmark   EC
----European Union  EC
----Definition of the family  EC
--European Conference on Family Research  51
--European Parliament
----Discussion and votes  30
--European Union
----Definition of the family   89,EC
----Family reunification directive
------ILGA Europe position paper 89
----Harmonization of national policies on family reunification  21
------Draft resolution  17
----Principles governing member states policies on family reunification  21
--Europride Amsterdam
----Proposal on Seminar on Family Forms  25
--Free Movement, ILGA statement to ECAS seminar   35
--ILGA family policy (Sitges Conference '92)   10
--Parental leave
----Problems with the parental leave directive  46
--“Rainbow families” – release of a brochure concerning same-sex parents 94
--United Kingdom
----An end to sound bite ideas of what makes a family  64
----Landmark ruling on interpretation of “family”   75

(see also Country-by-Country survey)
--Anti discrimination law   36
----First gay discrimination case won   61
--Gay marriage
----Approved legislation on same-sex partnerships 93
----Finland proposes to legalise homosexual unions 85
----Parliament approves gay partners law 92
----Partnership bill proposal  43,42,41
------Citizens' appeal for the same-sex marriage  40
------Committee of Law requests the Government to bring the legislation to the Parliament     51
------Detailed justification  43
------General justification  43
------Reuter press release  71
----Partnership legislation proceeds with little steps   48
--Labour market
----Sexual & gender minorities at work 93
--Ministers’ response on the situation in Romania   51
--News from Finland   57
--Penal code changed in Finland   61
--Present situation  39

Forum Civil Euromed   38

(see also Country-by-Country survey)
--Gay marriage
----Civil solidarity Pact (PaCS) passed   74
------Background  74
------Contents  74
------Law effective November 17. 1999  75
------Partner law popular 80
----France prohibits gay marriage at Sweden's embassy   41
----French city register gay couples   36
----Minister on contract of civil union  52
----National Assembly approves another partner bill   69
----National Assembly oks partner bill   66
----New partnership bill   60
----Partnership bill introduced  48
----Partnership law planned  58
----Senate dumps partners bill  69

Free movement of people within the EU
--Commission proposes prohibition of sexual orientation discrimination  66
--ECAS seminar  35
--New group established   40
----ILGA lobbying letter   40

--Donation to ILGA-Europe  61
--EU Budget '94   25
--EU Budget '96   36
--EU Budget and funding possibilities
----ECAS Guide 2.edition  44
----ECAS Guide, lobbying the EU. Parliament on the budget   18
--EU Budgetary lines of interest to NGOs   2
--Human rights project
----European Commission grant 39.600 ECU   56
--ILGA applying for EU-Money   38
----Contact with MEP's   5
----Minutes from ILGA European Community Bureau '93   16
----Minutes from Sitges Conference '92   10
--Lesbian Visibility
  (see Lesbian Visibility)
--Letter to selected members of the European Parliament 79
  (see PHARE)
--Programme to combat discrimination
----Project financing opportunity for West European organisations 88

Gay Marriage
----Bill to reduce inheritance tax for registered partners    51
----Circular on same-sex partnership   58
----Cities register gay couples  36
----Council of State bases objection to same-sex marriage on a report from 1803 94
----Foreign same-sex partners can obtain permit to live in Belgium  54
----Guidelines from the Ministry of Internal Affairs  57
----Partner law unpopular 80
----Partnership bill progress (Newspaper article)   43
----Partnership recognized in Belgian cities   37
----Present situation of partnership regulations  66
----Response to partnership proposal (Newspaper article)   43
----Same-sex marriage bill 90
------FWH press release 90
----Statutory cohabitation contract in Belgium   75
----Test case   69
--Book on same-sex partnerships  92
----Partner bill passes House of Commons 79
----Historic vote in favour of lesbian & gay rights 83
--Conference on legal recognition of same-sex partnerships
  in national, European & international law   68
--Czech Republic
----Couples law gains steam 87
----Government oks partner bill  69
----No marriages for gays & lesbians  60
----No to registered partnership   76
----Officials support gay partnership   35
----Partnership proposal falters   38
----Plans partner law 80
----Change of law   64
----Church wedding in Denmark?   50
----Partnership law changed   70
----Scandinavian mutual recognition of registered partners   35
--European Union
----Advocate-General rejects recognition of Swedish registered partnership 87
------ILGA Europe press release 87
------On the judgement of the European Court of Justice 89
----Benefits to spouses  35
----Employee denied same pay   5
----Motion for a resolution in the European Parliament  7
----No recognizing of partnership  34
----Approved legislation on same-sex partnerships 93
----Bill on the partnership of same sex couples   42
----Bill on the spousal agreements of gays and lesbians   41
----Citizen appeal for same-sex marriage  40
----Committee of Law requests the Government to bring
    the legislation to the Parliament 51
----Finland proposes to legalise homosexual unions 85
----News from Finland   57
----Parliament approves gay partners law 92
----Partnership bill  43
----Partnership legislation proceeds with little steps  48
----Update  39
----Civil solidarity Pact (PaCS) passed   74
------Background  74
------Contents  74
------Law effective November 17. 1999 75
------Partner law popular 80
----Cities register gay couples  36
----France prohibits gay wedding at Sweden’s embassy  41
----Minister on contract of civil union  52
----National Assembly approves another partner bill  69
----National Assembly oks partner bill   66
----New partnership bill  60
----Partnership bill introduced  48
----Partnership law planned   58
----Senate dumps partners bill  69
----Details of the registered partnership 84
------Law on registered partnership accepted 84
------Parliament passes partner bill 84
------States sue to block partnership law 90
--------First decision of the court 90
----Partner measure introduced  62
----Registered partner bill published   76
----Symbolic domestic partnership in Hamburg  55
----Law on registered partnership come into force  24
----Legalize common-law gay marriage  32
----Legalize same-sex partnerships ?   41
----Recognises common-law gay marriage  42
----Adoption of Stepchildren in gay & lesbian families 80
----Details of the partnership law  43
----Partnership law in Iceland   42
----Partnership law with possibility to joint guardianship    41
----Victory for lesbians and gays   43
----Ceremony for gay couples brings church denunciation   41
----Gay/lesbian marriages in Pisa ?   39
----Gays outraged by church advice to voters   41
----Partnership law presented to the media and Parliament 74
------Latvia kills partner measure       76
------Officials reaction on partnership bill  77
------Progress on partnership law  74
--Legal recognition of same-sex partnerships,
  a conference on national, European & international law       68
----Liechtenstein to get gay equality 94
----Gay marriage proposed  42
----Same-sex marriage debate heats up in  89
----Amsterdam City council favours gay "marriage"  33
----The Antilles may not accept gay/lesbian partnership   69
----Approves gay marriage rights 82
------Dutch gay marriage 88
------Dutch marriage law 86
------English translation of the law 83
------Latest news about same-sex marriage 85
------Partnership in the Netherlands 87
----Bill open to same sex marriage   72,71
----Church embraces gays   33
----Cities register gay couples  33
----Commission on civil marriage  43
----Gay marriage  41
----Gays will have two ways to get hitched   49
----Government committed to opening up marriage to same-sex couples   62
----Government decides against same-sex marriage   57
----Government presents plans on partnerships & family   36
----Law reform in progress   67
----Legalize gay marriage  34
----Marriage soon expected   40
----Marriage statistics 94
----Officials divided on gay marriage  43
----Parliament demands legislation to open up marriage and adoption for
    same sex couples   42
----Parliament favours gay marriage   40
----Parliament repeat call for same-sex marriage   59
----Partnership   35
----Partnership law in the Netherlands   51
----Partnership measure passes Lower House   47
----Proposes tiny concessions   44
----Questions in European Parliament on gay marriage   41
----Registered partnership fairly popular  68,64
----Resolution in Parliament Second Chamber   42
----Second Chamber of Parliament agrees on partnership registration  46
----Law on registered partnership adopted  17
----Scandinavian mutual recognition of registered partners    35
----Poland bans gay marriage  49
----Partnership in Portugal ?  54
----Partnership law passed 87
------New law on same-sex unions 88
----Proposal for a partnership law  51
------Draft proposal  51
----Gay marriage  58
----Gay marriage ?   33
----3 domestic partnership bills in parliament 80
------Parliament to consider legal status for domestic partners 80
------Domestic partnership bill passed   69
----Balearic Islands
------Domestic partnership law to be passed 87
------Bill on family regrouping for same-sex couples in Catalan parliament 80
------Catalonia has granted domestic partnership bill  61
----Government says “no” to same-sex partners 83
----Law recognizes de-facto couples   39
----News on the partnership law in Spain  42
----Parliament decides a partnership bill will have to be passed within this legislation  51
----Parliamentarian debate on partnership bill  49
----Partnership law coming soon   30
----Partnership law sold out   32
----Partnership legislation introduced    47
----Socialist party has submitted a partnership law  46
----Spanish gays seek help with partnership bill  48
----Supreme Court ruling has equated domestic partnerships & marriage
    for residence permits for foreigners 83
------Domestic partnership law to be passed 87
----Advocate-General rejects recognition of Swedish registered partnership 87
------ILGA Europe press release 87
------On the judgement of the European Court of Justice 89
----Foreign gay couples may be allowed to register   78,69
----France prohibits gay wedding at Sweden's embassy   41
----Scandinavian mutual recognition of registered partners   35
----Vote on partnership law June the 7th. '94   25
----Equal civil rights for same sex couples  43
----Gay partnership  41
….Geneva gays tie the knot (Geneva Canton partnership law) 89
----Government considers couples right  71
----Government for “light registered partnership” 84
----Parliament votes for registered partnership  74
--United Kingdom
----Bill to introduce civil partnership register in England & Wales 92
----Court of Appeal calls on Parliament to recognise gay couples  52
----Two women to marry legally in London   34

(see also Country-by-Country survey)
--1. break-through for legal recognition of homosexuals   65
--Asylum seekers
----German court grants asylum for Romanian gay  22
--Gay marriage
----Details of the registered partnership 84
------Law on registered partnership accepted 84
------Parliament passes partner bill 84
------States sue to block partnership law 90
--------First decision of the court 90
----Partners measure introduced in Germany   62
----Registered partner bill published
---Symbolic domestic partnership in Hamburg  55
--Government inquiry on human rights for gay and lesbians  31
--Laws & regulations  59
--Social exclusion report 92

(see also Country-by-Country survey)
--Age of consent changed  12
--Ban on homosexuality  2
----Preparing a court case  7

Grant Case
(see Test Cases)

--Law on registered partnership come into force   24

--Guernsey lowered age of consent to 18 82
--Guernsey lowers age of consent   67
----Correction  68

--EU proposal for health funding  39
--ILGA information sheets on health produced  17
--WHO approve on European program "Health for All"  1

Holocaust survivors to get Swiss money  52
"Homosexuality - a Community Issue"
--Launch of the report  18,16,13,12
--Minutes of the EC-workshop in Brussels 1992  12
--Minutes of the EC-workshop in Paris 1992   7
--Minutes of the Sitges Conference 1992   10
--Report delayed  5
--Report funded by the EC   1,EC
--Sitges Conference
----Agenda   9
----Conference preparation    6,5
----Minutes of the EC-workshop in Brussels 1992   12
----Minutes of the EC-workshop in Paris 1992   7
----Minutes of the conferences   10
--Summary of the report  13

Human rights for lesbians and gay men in EU
--ILGA project application to the EU  34

Human Rights Watch
--World Report 2001: Lesbian and gay rights 89

(see also Country-by-Country survey)
--EU-candidates: Also Hungary to monitor  57
--EU steps up pressure on Bulgaria, Cyprus, Hungary, & Romania to repeal laws
  which discriminate against lesbians, gays & bisexuals 91
--Gay marriage
----Constitutional Court legalizes common-law gay marriage  32
----Parliament is to set same-sex partnership  41
----Parliament recognises common-law gay marriage  42
--Test case
----Szivárvánt et al. vs. Hungary 84

Iceberg-Project  1
(see also Country-by-Country survey)
(see also Homosexuality - a Community Issue)

(see also Country-by-Country survey)
----Adoption of Stepchildren in gay & lesbian families 80
--Anti-homosexuals laws repealed   9
--Iceland's gays protected against discrimination  47
--Joint custody of children  43,42,41
--Partnership Law
----Adoption of Stepchildren in gay & lesbian families 80
----Details  43
----Partnership law passed   42
----Partnership law put forward   41
--Victory for Icelandic lesbians and gays  43

--Coming-out training course   32
--Conference  '95   32
--Conference  '97  50
--Non discriminating campaign   26
--Youth Forum of the European Union  33

ILGA EU Action Plan   49

--Brussels Office presentation 89
--Website relaunched 94

ILGA Europe and the Plans for an EU Bill of Rights  71

ILGA European Conference
--London '97 announcement    48
--Rotterdam ’01 announcement 90

ILGA World Conference
--Cologne '97 Invitation   45

----Circular on same-sex partnership & immigration   58
----Foreign same-sex partners can obtain permit to live in Belgium  54
----Guidelines from the Ministry of Internal Affairs about domestic partnership  57
--Council of Europe
----Debate on asylum & immigration rights for bi-national same-sex couples 80
----Lobbying campaign for the end June debates in the Parliamentary Assembly
    on lesbian & gay issues 80
--European Union
----Family reunification directive
------ILGA Europe Position 89
--ILGA information sheet on immigration produced  17
----Law reform on foreign partners in progress   67
--United Kingdom
----Britain OKs gay partner immigration  53
----Minister attacks unmarried heterosexuals to get at lesbian and gay couples  40
----New immigration rules in the UK 84
----Same Sex Immigration in UK  71
----UK to recognise same-sex couples in the immigration rules  54

Index  42,31,30

The Internal Market and the Consumer
--ECAS seminar   35

(see also Country-by-Country survey)
----New HIV prevention for gay men  51
----New report on HIV/aids & gay community published  43
--Age of consent   17
--Anti-Discrimination legislation comes into force 84
----Sexual orientation as a ground of asylum   37
--Ban on homosexuality
----Action request   13,12,10,7
----Background material  18,12,7
----Ban lifted                                              17
--Employment equality bill
----Government publishes employment equality bill  43
----Law introduced  50
----New employment equality act comes into force  74
--Equal status bill
----Law introduced  50
--Norris Case
----Correspondence between Glen & The Human Rights Directorate  10
----Parliament delays promised changes  7
----Poverty study  18,12
--Test case
----Correspondence between Glen & The Human Rights Directorate  10
----Parliament delays promised changes  7

Isle of Man
--Law changed  7
--Lower House repeals ban on male homosexuality  4
--No sign of changing the law   2

--Lowers age of consent for gay sex 84

(see also Country-by-Country survey)
--Age of consent
----Age of consent reduced to 14 for all  43
--Anti-gay movement
----Italian gays outraged by church advice to voters  41
----Request to defeat the anti-gay movement  35
----Ceremony for gay couples brings church denunciation  41
----Italian gays outraged by church advice to voters   41
--Gay marriage
----Ceremony for gay couples brings church denunciation  41
--Summer universities for gays & lesbians  60

Joint custody of children
--Iceland  43,42,41
----Lesbian partners get full responsibility for children 93

(see also Country-by-Country survey)
--Ban on homosexuality repealed  21

Kyrgyz Stan
(see also Country-by-Country survey)
--Kyrgyz Stan decriminalizes consenting same-sex relations   56

Labour Market
(See Employment)

(see also Baltic Countries)
(see also Country-by-Country survey)
--Age of consent
----Age of consent & other inequalities  57
----Age of consent and sexual offences  71
----Age of consent equalised  62
----Criminal law amended to clarify age of consent is equal for all 91
--Anti-discrimination law in Latvia?  41
--Asylum made possible for persecuted homosexuals
--Ban on homosexuality repealed  4
--Changes in the constitution  65
--First moral victory in Latvia  60
--Labour market
----European Commission praises new labour law but points out deficiency
    in anti-discrimination provision 93
--Official rejects idea of homosexual equality and suggests homosexuals keep quiet  58
--Partnership law presented to the media and Parliament  74
----Latvia kills partner measure  76
----Officials reaction on partnership bill  77
----Progress on partnership law  74
--Statement of the Homosexuality Information Centre (HIC)
  "on Homophobia and Intolerance in Police and Other State Institutions in Latvia"  55
----Sample letter
------Parliament of Latvia  55
------President of Latvia   55
--Questionnaire to the political parties  64

Legal protection from discrimination based on sexual orientation
--Fact sheet   45

"Lesbian Visibility"
--Application approved  9
--Application for money  EC
--Interim report sent to the Commission   17
--Report sent to the Commission  22
----Suggestions for further studies   22

(See also Country-by-Country survey)
--ILGA Europe welcomes the repeal of all anti-homosexual provisions in the penal code 85
--Liechtenstein to get gay equality 94
--Sexual law reform: Discrimination of gay men to be extended lesbians  69

(see also Country-by-Country survey)
--Membership of CoE  16
--Penal code draft includes sexual orientation  76
--Repeal of ban on homosexuality   22,20,17
----Letter from the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry   23
--Sexual orientation included as an expressly prohibited ground of discrimination 84

(see also Country-by-Country survey)
--Anti discrimination law lists "Sexual orientation"   53
--Gay marriage proposed in Parliament   42
--Same-sex marriage debate heats up 89

(see also Country-by-Country survey)
--ILGA lobbying efforts at the CSCE Review Conference. '94  30
--Legislation   41
--Macedonia bars gay lawyers  34

--CSCE Conference
----Warsaw April '93 (Migration and refugees)
------Approached delegates  16,15,14
------Dates  13,11

----Bleak news on the reform of the military justice form   62
----Bill introduced to discharge gays from the military   43
--United Kingdom
----Ban violates European convention on four counts  68
----Britain lifts military gay ban  77
----Britain to lift gay ban in military  56
----British case goes to Euro Court   49
----European Court decides that British Government has a case to answer  51
----Judgments in the cases about in gays in the military    74
------ILGA Europe press release  74

Modinos Case
(see Test Cases)

(See also Country-by-Country survey)
--Ban on homosexuality abolished   34
--Council of Europe Application
----Actions to be taken   32,23
----Rapporteurs   22
----ILGA lobbying efforts at the CSCE review Conf. '94  30

Nationwide legal protection from discrimination based on sexual orientation
--Fact sheet  45

----Approves gay marriage rights 82
------Dutch gay marriage 88
------Dutch marriage law 86
------English translation of the law 83
------Latest news about same-sex marriage 85
------Lesbian partners get full responsibility for children 93
------Partnership in the Netherlands 87
------Website on adoption 92
----Bill allowing same sex adoption    72,71
----Cabinet oks gay adoption  65
----Court allows adoption for unmarried people  33
----Dutch may allow adoptions by gays  55
----Government committed to opening up adoption  to same-sex couples   62
----Government in favour of adoption by same-sex couples   57
----Government presents plans on partnerships & family    36
----Law reform in progress   67
----Lesbian adoption rejected   53
----Parliament demands legislations to open up adoption for same sex couples   42
----Parliament repeats call for adoption   59
--Age of consent
----Law reform in progresses  67
--Anti discrimination law
----Law passed   30,4
--Blood donation  39
--Court condemns MP for offending homosexuals  65
--Development aid  39
--Gay marriage
----Amsterdam City Council favours gay "marriage"   33
----The Antilles may not accept gay/lesbian partnerships   69
----Approves gay marriage rights 82
------Dutch gay marriage 88
------Dutch marriage law 86
------English translation of the law 83
------Latest news about same-sex marriage 85
------Lesbian partners get full responsibility for children 93
------Partnership in the Netherlands 87
----The Antilles may not accept gay/lesbian partnerships   69
----Bill open to same sex marriage   72,71
----Church embraces gays   33
----Cities register gay couples   33
----Commission on civil marriage  43
----Gay marriage   41
----Gays will have two ways to get hitched   49
----Government committed to opening up marriage to same-sex couples  62
----Government decides against same-sex marriage   57
----Government presents plans on partnerships & family   36
----Law reform in progress  67
----Legalize gay marriage   34
----Marriage soon expected   40
----Marriage statistics 94
----Officials divided on gay marriage  43
----Parliament demands legislation to open up marriage for same sex couples  42
----Parliament favours gay marriage  40
----Parliament repeats call for same-sex marriage  59
----Partnership   35
----Partnership law in the Netherlands  51
----Partnership measure passes Lower House  47
----Proposes tiny concessions   44
----Questions in European Parliament on gay marriage   41
----Registered partnership fairly popular  68,64
----Resolution in Parliament Second Chamber  42
----Second Chamber of Parliament agrees on partnership reg.  46
----Law reform on foreign partners in progress  67
----New legislation   38

--Council of Europe
----IlGA as NGO
------Application for NGO status with CoE '89   7
--------Answer (rejection)    7
--------Reminder April '90  7
----------Answer June '90  7
------Application for NGO status with CoE '95   32
--------Amnesty International, Lobbying letter to   6
--------Application to be sent August '93  18
--------Application to be sent June '93   13,12
--------Decision to apply for NGO status December '94   30
--------Decision to postpone the application November '94  29
--------ILGA granted consultative status   57
--------International Commission of Jurists, Lobbying letter  6
--------International Federation on Human Rights, Lobbying letter to  6
--------NGO status to ILGA  55
----------Paedophile group expelled from ILGA   26
----------Question and answer to ILGA from the CoE  43
--------Resolution on relations between CoE and NGOs  '94  22
----------Modalities of co-operation 22
----------Procedure for the granting of consultative status   22
----------Rules for consultative status  22
----------Withdrawal of consultative status   22
--------Status December '95   38
----NGOs and the Human Dimension of the CSCE  21,16
----Note to NGO representatives regarding the Budapest Review Conference '94  27
--Platform of European Social NGOs  76,62
--United Nations
----ILGA as NGO
------Roster consultative status press releases  18,15

Non-Discrimination Campaign
--IGLYO joins the campaign   26
----World Summit for Social Development '95  27
--ILGA recommendation   22

Nordic gay/lesbian student congress  68

Norris Case
(see Test Cases)

Northern Ireland
--Consent age for gays lowered to 17 85
--Human tights commission issues report on the rights
  of lesbian, gay & bisexual people 91
----executive summary 91
--Single equality act 88

(See also Country-by-Country survey)
--Asylum for lesbians & gay men   54
--Partnership law adopted   17
--Scandinavian mutual recognition on registered partnership  35

--European Union 24
--Sweden appoints gay ombudsman   69

(see also CSCE)
--Fact sheet  31
--History of ILGA lobbying efforts   43
--The Ottawa Declaration   35
--Structure   31

OSCE Implementation Meeting
--Warsaw 97
----ILGA-Europe addresses OSCE on human dimension issues   55
------Letter to the Dutch Minister on Foreign Affairs  55
------Subsidiary Working Body 1
--------Oral statement   55
--------Written statement  55
------Written presentation   55
----ILGA Written presentation  64
----ILGA-Europe statement 84

OSCE Review Conference
--Vienna 96
----ILGA lobbying efforts   43
----Report on ILGA activities   46
----Written presentation by ILGA   45
-–Vienna 1999
----Oral statement by Kurt Krickler 74

OSCE Seminars
(see also CSCE and NGO)
--Building Blocks for Civic Society April '95
----Agenda/program  31
----Review of freedom-of-association policies towards lesbians and gay men  33
--Drafting human rights legislation Sept '95  34
--Human Dimension Oct '95
----ILGA input  36
----Participation?   34
----Report   38
--Tolerance May '95  38

Ottawa Declaration   35

Our World Conference: Equality & cooperation
--Report and papers 85

Parental Leave Directive
--Problems with the parental leave EU-directive   46

Partnership Law
(see Gay Marriage)

Persecution of homosexuals on The Third Reich  78
--Letters of support  78

--Promoting democracy in Central & Eastern Europe
----Application  27
----Application granted   27
----Application sent  26
----Attempt to get money  22,12,9
----WHO co-sponsor the application  13

Pink Triangle Coalition
--ILGA joins Pink Triangle Coalition  59

(see also Country-by-Country survey)
----Catholic church seeks influence   35
----Constitution without anti discrimination for g/l    51
----Draft constitution includes sexual orientation   39
----Homosexual rights provision  33
--Gay Marriage
----Poland bans gay marriage   49
--New penal code  51

(see also Country-by-Country survey)
--Age of consent   87,55
----Proposal to (nearly) equalize age of consent failed   56
----Anti-discrimination clause?  41
----No equality for Portuguese gay
--Gay Marriage
----Partnership ?     54
----Partnership law passed 87
------New law on same-sex unions 88
----Proposal for a partnership law   51
------Draft proposal   51
--Penal Code   48
----Penal Code changed  47
------Correction  55
--Test Case on gay parenting accepted by the European Court of Human Right  72
----Judgment  76

----Study on poverty  12,18

----Protest letter  61
----Recriminalisation of prostitution in Sweden  62,61

Protection from discrimination based on sexual orientation
--Fact Sheet  45

Public Scandals: Gays & Lesbians face state-condemned violence
and legalized abuse in Romania  57

(see also Asylum Seekers)
--Fact Sheet produced   17

Registered Partnership
(see Gay Marriage)

Report of the EP Committee on Civil Liberties on
Equal Treatment of Lesbians and Gays in the EC
(see Roth Report)

Republika Srpska
(see also Country-by-Country survey)
--New penal code being worked on  71

(see also Country-by-Country survey)
(see also Eastern Europe)
--Acceptance Group  35
--Accept's proposed new legislation   59
--Actions to be taken against Romania  44
--Amnesty blasts Romania again   34
--Amnesty calls on parliamentarians to ensure that  legislative reforms
  respect human rights  37
--Amnesty International action  22,16
--Arrest of homosexuals in Timisoara   16
--Article 200 - as proposed by the draft  21
--Asylum given in Germany  22
--Background information   45
--Chamber of Deputies has voted "no" to decriminalize
  consensual homosexual acts between adults   44
--Change of the Romanian penal code  36
--Changes of law in Romania 81
--Constitutional Court consider article 200   27,26,25
--Council of Europe
----CoE pressure brings progress for lesbian, gay & bisexual rights in Europe 81
------Debate on the situation of lesbians and gays in Europe 81
----Report prepared for March 1994  22
----Romania adopted as member   20
----Lobby instruction    39,24,23,21
------Fact Sheet. Oppression of gays and lesbians  18
----Lobbying letters  44,42,39
------Answers   42,40
----Opinion no. 176 on the application  22
----Rapporteurs insist that Romania repeal article 200   16
--CSCE Report on human rights    30
--EU steps up pressure on Bulgaria, Cyprus, Hungary, & Romania to repeal laws
  which discriminate against lesbians, gays & bisexuals 91
--European Parliament
----Question on protection of homosexuals in Romania 88
----Resolution    45
--Fact Sheet: Oppression of gays and lesbians   18
--Finnish Minister response on the situation  51
--Group 200   15
--Halonen Report published   26
--Halonen Resolution    21
--Helsinki Federation Report   28
--Homosexuality - a Human Right : Symposium   35
--Human Rights activists demand repeal of law  18
--Human Rights after Ceausescu    28
--Human Rights and short-term economic goals - Conference   24
--Improving international standards in the penal code   22
--International Commission of Jurists – Statement  25
--Law Reform - Again   41
--Parliament increases persecution of homosexuals   44
--Penal Code   48
--Penal Code reform rejected    38
--Penal Code revision    48,47,45
----Gay reactions   36
----New government initiative (1999) (Same sex relations)    74
--President to pardon some gay & lesbian inmates   57
--Proposal in Parliament to expand ban on homosexuals   45
--Protest against law reform   36
--Public Scandals: Gays & lesbians face state-condemned
  violence and legalized abuse in Romania   57
--Report on human rights   21
--Report produced by Scot Long   25
--Resolution in European Parliament  45
--Right-Wing Romanians rant   45
--Romania alters anti-gay legislation   45
--Romania keeps anti-gay laws   24
--Romania rejects legalization of homosexuality    62
--Romania repeals article 200 by emergency ordinance  90
----Accept press release 90
----Senate repeals article 200 from the penal code 91
--Romania - Situation outline   30
--Romanian law reform 47
--Roundup of suspected homosexuals in Focsani    24
--Roundups of homosexuals continue   23
--Statement - International Commission of Jurists      25
--Upcoming law reform     60

Roth Report
(Report of the EP Committee on Civil Liberties on
Equal Treatment of Lesbians and Gays in the EC)   23
--Draft report (first)   16
----First round discussions in the Committee    17
----Further information   16
----Schedule for the European Parliament   20
--Draft report with recommendations & explanatory statement
  with proposed amendments from the Committee  22
--ILGA information paper on g/l asylum seekers    16
--Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual rights in Europe (MEP Mel Read)   16
--Parliament decision                                        23
--Preliminary report debate at ILGA Meeting Brussels 1992   12
--Resolution in the European Parliament on g/l     EC
----Official English edition  5

(see also Country-by-Country survey)
----Iron curtain closes against HIV-positives   38
----New aids law passes   32
----Russia will test foreigners for HIV   33
--ARGO   L5
--Book on legal status of sexual minorities in Russia 93
--Homosexual orientation dropped from the new classification
  of mental and behaviour disorders  75
--Membership of CoE
----Lobbying  11
--Penal Code changed  17
--Support of Russian homosexuals   L5

San Marino
(see also Country-by-Country survey)
--Law reform  52
----Update  53

(See United Kingdom)

(see also Country-by-Country survey)
--Break up of Serbia’s first gay pride parade 90
----ILGA-Europe calls on Serbian authorities to guarantee safety
    & freedom of association for lbgt people 90

Sexual Harassment
----Code on practice on measures to combat sexual harassment   1
----Press release from Stonewall   EC
----Sexual Harassment on the Workplace  21

Sexuality, Youth Protection & Human Rights (Book)  57

Sitges Conference '92
--Agenda    9
--Conference preparation   6,5
--Minutes of the EC-workshop in Brussels 1992  12
--Minutes of the EC-workshop in Paris 1992   7
--Minutes of the Conferences   10

Sitges Conference '94
--Agenda   28,27
--Minutes   29
--Proposal of new conference   22
----Statement against   25
--Resolutions  29
--Time schedule   28,27

(see also Country-by-Country survey)
--Anti discrimination law  42
--Ban workplace discrimination   66
--CoE Member   16
--Gay marriage   58
--Gay marriage ?    33

Social Exclusion  19

Social Policy in the EC   19

--Anti discrimination law   37
----Government changes its penal code   33
--City Council may have violated fundamental rights  71
--"Corruption of minors" repealed  39
--Gay marriage
----3 domestic partnership bills in parliament 80
------Parliament to consider legal status for domestic partners 80
------Domestic partnership bill passed  69
----Balearic Islands
------Domestic partnership law to be passed 87
------Bill on family regrouping for same-sex couples in Catalan parliament 80
------Catalonia has granted domestic partnership bill  61
----Gays seeks help with partnership bill  48
----Government says “no” to same-sex partners 83
----Law recognizes de-facto couples  39
----Legislation introduced   47
----News  42
----Parliament decides a partnership bill will have to be passed within this legislature  51
----Parliamentary debate on partnership bill  49
----Partnership law coming soon  30
----Partnership law sold out  32
----Socialist party has submitted a partnership law  46
----Supreme Court ruling has equated Domestic partnerships & marriage
    for residence permits for foreigners 83
------Domestic partnership law to be passed 87
----Bleak news on the reform of the military justice code  62
----Police files of times past on debate   69
--Transsexual Rights
----Andalusia: Bleak prospects in the parliament  68
----Parliament calls for transsexual surgery costs to be included in the social security  70
----Transgender persons “official” sex may change to 87
--Vote Pink campaign  26,22

Spanner Case
(see Test Cases)

Stonewall 25   25

--Holocaust survivors to get Swiss money  52
--Netherlands   38
--US Government grants 500.000 $ to acknowledge gay victims of the nazis 89

(see also Country-by-Country survey)
----Adoption rights for gay couples on the horizon   53
----Parliamentary committee on children of lesbians & gays    68
----Sweden may legalize adoption by homosexual couples 86
--Asylum Seekers
----Denies asylum to Iranian and Algerian gays  33
----Sweden welcomes abused foreign gays  47
--Gay-friendliness of all municipalities examined   68
--Gay Marriage
----Advocate-General rejects recognition of Swedish registered partnership 87
------ILGA Europe press release 87
----Foreign gay couples may be allowed to register   78,69
----France prohibits gay wedding at Sweden’s embassy  41
----Parliament will vote on partnership law   25
----Scandinavian mutual recognition of registered partnership  35
--Hate crime bill in Sweden 94
----Incitement to hatred against gays remains legal  49
--Joint Guardianship
----Parliamentary committee on children of lesbians & gays   68
--Labour Market
----Legislation against discrimination   68
--Ombudsman appointed   69
--Prostitution recriminalized    61
----Protest letter  61
----Recriminalisation of prostitution in Sweden  62

----Gay & lesbians are second-class citizens  46
----Gay & lesbians in good constitutions  50
----Government snubs gays   47
--Gay Marriage
----Equal civil rights for same sex couples  43
----Gay partnership   41
….Geneva gays tie the knot (Geneva Canton partnership law) 89
----Government considers couples right 72
----Government for “light registered partnership” 84
----Parliament votes for registered partnership  74
--National Rally   50

Test Cases
--Age of Consent
----Age of consent in European countries    60
----Austrian case rejected by Human Rights Commission   36
----Austrian cases declared admissible by European Court of Human Rights 94
----British teenager challenges age of consent  42
----European Commission of Human Rights finds violation   54
----Human Rights Courts accepts youth case   32
----UK will not oppose 16 as age of consent  52
----Age of consent case rejected by Human Rights Commission   36
----Age of consent cases declared admissible by European Court of Human Rights 94
----Modinos Case
------Archbishop blasts Euro court on gay sex    59
------Case won  16
------Change of law (according to French new agency)    31
--------Ban is not repealed    50
------European Commission on Human Rights report  4
------ILGA application to intervene rejected  7
--Differential treatment of unmarried cohabitation as compared
   to marriage within margin of appreciation 74
--European Union
----Sweden vs. Council
------Advocate-General rejects recognition of Swedish registered partnership 87
--------ILGA Europe press release 87
--------On the judgement of the European Court of Justice 89
--Grant Case
  (see United Kingdom)
--Group Sex Case
  (see United Kingdom)
----Szivárvánt et al. vs. Hungary 84
----Norris Case
------Correspondence between GLEN & The Human Rights Directorate   10
------Parliament delays promised changes  7
  (see United Kingdom)
--Modinos Case
  (see Cyprus)
----Test Case on gay parenting accepted by the European Court of Human Right  72
------Judgment 76
–---Test Case on gay parenting accepted by the European Court of Human Right 72
------Judgment 76
--Same-sex partnership
----Court decision  67
------Danish Government backs EU employee in Court case  72
------ILGA-Europe regrets   67
------Swedish Government backs EU Court case   69
--Spanner Case
  (see United Kingdom)
--United Kingdom
----Age of Consent
------Age of consent for gays at 16 in UK   52
------Age of consent in European countries   60
------European Commission of Human Rights finds violation  54
------Gay sex to be legal at 16 by summer 1998   59
------Human Rights Courts accepts youth case   32
------Teenager challenges age of consent    42
----Grant Case
------Case to EU Court   51
------Discrimination based on sexual orientation is not covered
      by the equal pay rules of the Treaty  58
------Discrimination case referred to European Court of Justice                            43
------Lisa Grant case press release   53
------Lisa Grant vs. South West Trains   52
----Group Sex
------Ban to be challenged in European Court   50
------Judgement in the case of A.D.T vs. the United Kingdom 81
------Ban violates European Convention on 4 counts  68
------Britain to lift gay ban    56
------Case goes to Euro Court    49
------European Court decides that Government have a case to answer  51
------Judgments in the military cases   74
--------ILGA Europe press release  74
----Spanner Case
------Case accepted by the Human Rights Commission   31
------SM gays lose Euro appeal   48
------EU Court rules transsexual unfairly dismissed   42

Trade Union
--Conference Amsterdam 98
----Background, organization and participants  44

(see transsexuals)

--Austria administration court opens marriage for transsexuals    58
--EU Court rules transsexual unfairly dismissed   42
----Bleak prospects in the parliament  68
----Parliament calls for transsexuals surgery costs to be included in the social security  70
----Transgender persons “official” sex may change to 87
--Transsexuals win right to fight discrimination   52

----Bill introduced to discharge gays from the military  43

(see also Country-by-Country survey)
--Ban on homosexuality repealed   4
--CoE rapporteur asks for information  20
--Gay & Lesbian centre gets state registration  77
--Gay group denied registration   69

United Kingdom
----UK to accept adoption by gay couples  79
--Age of consent
----Amnesty: UK should repeal anti-gay laws   61
----First step to equalize age of consent   61
------Correction   66
----Gay consent at 16 become law 85
----Gay sex at 16 to be legal by summer 1998  59
----Gays to face prison   57
----Government promises gay rights reform next year  62
------Stonewall press release    62
--------Corrections    66
----House of Lords denies young gay men equality    69
----House of Lords ok equal age of consent 79
----House of Lords stalls age of consent change   62
------Correction    66
----MPs vote yes to gay equality   67
----Northern Ireland
------Consent age for gays lowered to 17 85
----Parliament change law   24
----Sexual offences bill will return to UK Parliament  72
----Test Cases
------Age of consent for gays at 16 in UK   52
------European Commission of Human Rights finds violation   54
------Gay sex at 16 to be legal by summer 1998   59
------Human Rights Courts accepts youth case  32
------Teenager challenges age of consent   42
----British Airways will not hire HIV-positives   52
--Asylum Seekers
----Britain to welcome gay asylum seekers   69
--Colonies must legalize gay sex   69
----Cayman Islands will not legalize gay sex    69
----An end to sound bite idea of what makes a family   64
----Landmark ruling on interpretation of “family”  75
--Gay Marriage
----Bill to introduce civil partnership register in England & Wales 92
----Court of Appeal calls on Parliament to recognise gay couples  52
----Two women to marry legally in London   34
----Britain OKs gay partner immigration   53
----New immigration rules in the UK 84
----Same sex immigration in UK  71
----UK Minister attacks unmarried heterosexuals to get at lesbian & gay couples  40
----UK to recognise same-sex couples in the immigration rules  54
--Non-discrimination law consultation imminent 94
----Scotland plan to drop section 28  75
----Scotland repeals section 28 81
--Section 28
----Repeal section 28 hits the road  74
----Scotland plan to drop section 28  75
----Scotland repeals section 28 81
----Section 28 not repealed in UK 81
--Sexual Harassment
----Survey finds 1 in 2 l/g are harassed at work   21
--Test Cases
----Age of Consent
------Age of consent for gays at 16 in UK    52
------European Commission of Human Rights finds violation     54
------Human Rights Courts accepts youth case   32
------Teenager challenges age of consent    42
----Grant Case
------Case to EU Court   51
------Discrimination based on sexual orientation is not
      covered by the equal pay rules of the Treaty    58
------Discrimination case referred to European Court of Justice   43
------Lisa Grant Case press release  53
------Lisa Grant vs. South West Trains   52
----Group Sex
------Ban to be challenged in European Court   50
------Judgement in the case of A.D.T vs. the United Kingdom 81
------Ban violates European Convention on 4 counts  68
------Britain lifts military gay ban  77
------Britain to lift gay ban  56
------Case goes to Euro Court   49
------European Court decides that Government have a case to answer  51
------Judgments in the cases   74
--------ILGA Europe press release  74
----Spanner Case
------Case accepted by the Human Rights Commission   31
------SM gays lose Euro appeal   48
------EU Court rules transsexual unfairly dismissed   42
--Transsexuals win right to fight discrimination   52

United Nations
----ILGA as NGO
------NGO status secured   26
------NGO status suspended   28
------Roster consultative status press releases  18,15
----NGO & Inter-Governmental bodies   6
--World Conference on Human Rights
----Human Rights at the Dawn of the 21st Century  11
------ILGA invited as NGO   12
------Information package on human rights of l/g    13
------Program    11
------Reports    13
----ILGA information sheets produced   17
----ILGA input to the Conference    18
----Influencing the World Conference  11
----Parallel activities    11
--World Summit for Social Development '95    27

--Council condemns European "demographic winter"   45

Vote Pink Campaign  26,22

(see United Kingdom)

Working Party,
--Task & Members  49,47,38,36

World Conference on Human Rights
--Human Rights at the Dawn of the 21st Century    11
----ILGA invited as NGO    12
----Information package on human rights of l/g    13
----Program    11
----Reports    13
--ILGA information sheets produced    17
--ILGA input to the Conference     18
--Influencing the World Conference  11
--Parallel activities  11

World Report 2001 – Lesbian and gay rights (Human Rights Watch) 89

World Summit for Social Development '95  27

World survey on legal & human rights for gays & lesbians   69